We work with the highest standards in the production of honey, propolis and wax.
We facilitate the work of the bees so that they extract the delicacy from the flowers, providing them with everything they need in a healthy environment, without interfering in the natural process of their work; managing native forests sustainably and protecting them from all contamination.
We work with the highest standards in the production of honey, propolis and wax.
We facilitate the work of the bees so that they extract the delicacy from the flowers, providing them with everything they need in a healthy environment, without interfering in the natural process of their work; managing native forests sustainably and protecting them from all contamination.
Certification of the highest level, we promote associativity and solidarity consumption
Contamos con autorización SAG 2025
Valide en este código QR nuestra autorización SAG 2023
El Consejo Nacional De Producción Limpia, certifica que Sociedad El Canelo Ltda. Cumple con todos los requerimientos de NCh2796.Of2009, NCh2797.Of2009, NCh2807.Of2009 y NCh2825.Of2009. Por lo tanto, da cumplimiento a las metas y acciones de Inocuidad Alimentaria, Manejo de residuos Sólidos, Seguridad Laboral, y Competencias Laborales; establecidas en el Acuerdo de Producción Limpia, Sector Producción de Miel.
Nuestro funcionamiento.