Trabajamos con los más altos estándares en la producción de miel, propóleo y cera.
Facilitamos la labor de las abejas para que extraigan el manjar de las flores, proporcionándoles todo lo necesario en un ambiente sano, sin interferir en el proceso natural de su trabajo; manejando los bosques nativos de forma sustentable y protegiéndolas de toda contaminación.

We work with the highest standards in the production of honey, propolis and wax.
We facilitate the work of bees to extract the delicacy of the flowers, providing everything you need in a healthy environment without interfering with the natural process of their work; managing native forests sustainably and protecting them from contamination.
Certification at the highest level , promote partnership and solidarity consumption

The National Clean Production Council certifies that Company El Canelo Ltda . It meets all requirements NCh2796.Of2009 , NCh2797.Of2009 , NCh2807.Of2009 and NCh2825.Of2009 . Therefore , it fulfills the goals and actions of Food Safety , Solid Waste Management , Occupational Safety and Job Skills ; established in the Clean Production Agreement , Honey Production Sector .